Västernorrland Region finances Immigrant index questionnaire implementation in Västernorrland Region in spring 2018. The new study is to divide the Municipalities in residential areas / communities to identify differences for municipal planning and use in the regional development strategy (RUS).
The form is shortened because the municipalities wanted a shorter questionnaire.
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The County Administrative Board of Stockholm County and Karolinska Institute are working together to allow the municipalities in Stockholm County to carry out the Immigrant index questionnaire. The County Administrative Board and a reference group from the municipalities will raise issues that are particularly important in Stockholm. The basis of the questionnaire is a merger of the Immigrant Index and World Values Survey issues and a larger number of questions developed by Karolinska Institute. Karolinska Institute’s questions are about “Sexual Reproductive Health” (SRHR)
The data collection will take place in September and October 2018.
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Now it is important for the municipalities in Skåne to consider the Immigrant index. See information from Kommunförbundet Skåne on this link
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The Swedish Migration Agency has been along the way and asked questions in the immigrant index. See what their analysts say: on this link
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Come and listen to Invandrarndex at the Days of Tylösand on May 22, lecture at 13:30 and evening seminar at 18:00.
Come and talk to us at the Exhibition section, so we can show you answers to questions of your own choice, from the new arrived immigrants.
Invandrarindex AB
Fredrik Lundvall
070 – 650 72 12
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Follow this link to se a good example of how invandrarindex is used in Timrå municipality.
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September and October are conducted by the Riksundersøgelsen in the selected 30 municipalities.
Invandrarindex will visit all municipalities in September for a revision with the responsible people in the municipalities and, in many cases, this will be a start for upper secondary and secondary school students to fill in the questionnaire.
The municipalities included are:
Arjeplog Övertårneå Boden Umeå Krokom Ragunda Timrå Orsa Falun Älvkarleby Vallentuna Nacka Gnesta Köping Örebro Torsby Sunne Hällefors Lysekil Kungälv Gothenburg Askersund Kinda Gislaved Ljungby, Höganäs, Ängelholm, Båstad, Osby, Karlshamn, Lessebo and Mörbylånga.
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During the Tylösand days 2017, 15th to 17th of May, we will present what future dreams new arrivals youngsters, 15-20 years have, and how they look at their life in Sweden.
Come and see our 4 seminars in Tylösand on 15-17 May! Feel free to talk to us at our booth!
You will find the invitation here
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Come and listen to a preliminary report for Invandrarindex 2017 in Växjö, December 11-12, Migration and Establishment – what will happen in 2018?
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The seminar was in Stockholm on January 26, 2018 and we are pleased that Professor Eskil Wadensjö and Peter Esaisson were with us this year. The seminar was organized by the Arenagruppen and the moderator was Lisa Pelling.
See the invitation, program and application here.
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